The main objective in this Work Package (2) is to develop a framework and specific instruments which will serve to achieve knowledge and impact on the development of Strategies and enhancement of the IRO’s in the partner universities.Specific Objectives of WP2, include:

▪ Drafting and defining specific protocols for Regulating Mobility Procedures

▪ Implementing a Pilot service through the Tenderized purchased equipment forecasted


List of Tasks for Work Package 2 – (Re)Configuration of IROs

T2.1 Study Visits to Greece and North Macedonia, to draw best practice models.

T2.2 Development or enhancement of an ICM strategy with particular approach for students and staff with fewer opportunities (e.g., disabilities).

T2.3 Development or revision of protocols regulating mobility procedures during all of its phases (before, during, after) with emphasis on students and staff with fewer opportunities.

T2.4 Specifications of the content of the various training to be organized during the project.

T2.5 Equipment in service of IRO enhancement.


List of Milestones for Work Package 2 – (Re)Configuration of IROs

MS1 Development or enhancement of an ICM strategy

MS2 Development or revision of protocols regulating mobility procedures during all of its phases

MS3 Approval document of training syllabi by the project’s QMC

MS4 Equipment in service of IRO enhancement


List of Deliverables for Work Package 2 – (Re)Configuration of IROs

D2.1 Report on Study Visits to Greece and North Macedonia, to draw best practice models.

D2.2 Development or enhancement of an ICM strategy with particular approach for students and staff with fewer opportunities (e.g., disabilities).

D2.3 Development or revision of protocols regulating mobility procedures during all of its phases (before, during, after) with emphasis on students and staff with fewer opportunities.

D2.4 Specification of training content

D2.5 Equipment in service of IRO enhancement.