The General Objective of this Work Package (3) is to establish and provide the necessary tools for enhancing the performance of the IRO’s in the HEI’s included in the project.
In addition, the specific objectives are summarized as below:
▪ Creating the structure for training of the direct related staff in mobility processes
▪ Provide accurate and updated information for the students/staff interested in mobility processes
▪ Provide access for the forum and comment purposes for the students/staff interested mobility processes
List of Tasks for Work Package 3 – Development & Enhancement of IROs
T3.1 Development of training materials.
T3.2.1 Training of IRO Heads on IRO Management and the Mobility Projects’ Application
process (with the EU integration perspective) at POLIS University, Tirana, Albania.
T3.2.2 Training on the student & (academic & administrative) staff selection process (criteria,
procedures and timelines), as well as on international credit transfer best practices.
T3.2.3 Training on student and (academic and administrative) staff support.
T3.3 Training in AUK, Pristina, Kosovo on International Credit Mobility Transfer, recognition principles and processes.
T3.4 Training of IRO Heads and academic staff on the mobility for internships / apprenticeship; and training of students on the ERASMUS Buddy system, its institutionalization and implementation. Training to take place at the Mediterranean University.
List of Milestones for Work Package 3 – Development & Enhancement of IROs
MS1 Execution of the trainings (mobility projects application process, selection
process, staff support and ICM Transfer
List of Deliverables for Work Package 3 – Development & Enhancement of IROs
D3.1 Training Materials
D3.2 Training for IRO Management and the Mobility Projects’ Application process.
D.3.3 Training for the student & staff (academic & administrative) regarding selection
process (criteria, procedures and timelines).
D.3.4 Training on student and (academic & administrative) staff support.
D3.5 Training in on International Credit Mobility Transfer, recognition principles and processes.
D3.6 Training of IRO Heads and academic staff on the mobility for internships / apprenticeship; and training of students on the ERASMUS Buddy system, its institutionalization and implementation. Training to take place at the University of Donja
Gorica, Podgorica.