Dissemination Strategy and other relevant dissemination products

RIT Kosovo as the leading partner of the Dissemination and Exploitation work package for the ROAMING (Strengthening International Student and Staff Mobility Offices in Western Balkans) Project has developed the Dissemination Strategy as well as generated several relevant dissemination products and templates.
To yield the utmost contribution of the results achieved during the project in future plans, research and activities in the future, we must ensure a sturdy dissemination strategy. Work package 5 contains work related to the Dissemination and Exploitation of the knowledge generated throughout the ROAMING project.
The main goal of this work package is to ensure continuous dissemination activities through raising awareness for the utility and service of IRO’s in each HEI involved in the project, thereby ensuring transparency in every phase of the project.
Through the dissemination of the results and findings to reach stakeholders, target groups, and the public, to the goal of ensuring that the results and activities of the ROAMING project are fully disseminated to project partners, target groups, stakeholders and the public at large will be met.
Specific dissemination and communication objectives of the ROAMING Project include:
- Disseminate and promote project outcomes beyond the key target groups and multiply its results to the general community,
- Raise awareness of the target audiences and relevant stakeholders about the inclusive nature of ROAMING, its outputs, and the potential of transferability beyond the project duration,
- Establishing key components, activities, means of documentation and the project’s visual identity validated by project partners,
- Foster and advance the cooperation between higher education institutions in updating ICM strategies to include less privileged students,
- Regularly inform local, regional and international stakeholders about project activities and outcomes,
- Maintain smooth and regular communication within the ROAMING consortium
- Development of website that will contain features and functionalities related to dissemination,
- Dissemination reports and other dissemination tools used during the development of the project
- Coordination of dissemination products with the consortium and relevant stakeholders
- Organization of at least 5 ICM orientation weeks with a minimum of 250 participants, one in each institution
- Organization of the final conference as a public event where aside from the partners within the project, other stakeholders will be invited.